Looking for a lightweight, supportive glove with antibacterial properties?
Aminimalist and essential cycling glove both lightweight and perfectly comfortable to wear on even the longest of rides.
These lightweight, highly breathable gloves weigh a weeny 13.3g per glove. Constructed withminimal padding in the palm area (for nerve protection), they've synthetic leather micro-perforated mitts and Japanese synthetic suede details.
Important : The uppers use a bacteria-static polyamide/carbon fibreas well as asmall micro-fleece towel held below the thumb and forefinger.Attention to detail has never been so acute.
Q36.5 does not design for the coffee shop. It designs for the bike.The glove is noexception...
Cut with a pre-shape pattern when unworn it curls forward in the wrist and thumb-forefinger areas, mimicking the riding position of the hand. It offers the smoothest flowing hand movements when worn riding.
The gloves mimic the same barely-notice-youre-wearing-it feel asthe Ultralight sock, as well as thebib shorts.